Calmness or Conflict?

Which do You prefer?

1 min readAug 7, 2020

Is Calmness during Conflict, a Superpower?

For In Conflict: the Raja words said and actions done. We enter the Tamasic Realm of Regret.
For In Calmness, during conflict: the heartfelt words spoken and compassionate action taken. We shine in the Satvic Sun.

But to be Conflict free
Means to be Calmness free
Superpowers are Duality, yet more Ego
Being Silent & Know What Is…

Free of Conflict and free of Calmness? How can this be?
2. Conflict.(calm).Conflict.(calm)
3. conflict.Calm....conflict.Calm....conflict.Calm
4. Calm…..(conflict).....Calm
5. Calm……....Oh look, a Cloud!!!..............Calm
6. Calm......................................................Calm
7. .............................Calm.................................
8. ......................................................................

True Calmness is the ".…." between Calm & Conflict.
True Calmness is no Mind.
True Calmness is no Awareness.

True Calmness is the highly volatile gushing tumultuous foaming expression of the Unmanifested Absolute.

Jai Shankar Bhagwan
Jai Shiva Bhagwan
Tat Tvam Asi





Writing about Life as simply as I can. I write for myself. I don’t have the answers. I just wish my thoughts help you. Strictly Amateur.